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Перевести на язык 1 каждый день я кушаю суп. 2 ты часто ходишь в кино? 3 вчера я не ходила в школу. 4 сейчас мой папа работает. 5 ты вчера играл в футбол? 6 они в настоящий момент кушают. 7 она работает всегда? 8 вчера они делали работу. 9 сейчас ты плаваешь? 10 я не люблю читать. я люблю гулять с друзьями. 11 5 лет назад мы жили в лондоне. 12 в прошлом месяце мы не ходили в музей. 13 он редко поет? 14. мы сейчас гуляем.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ieat soup every day. how often do you go to the movies? i didn't go to school yesterday. my dad is working now. did you play football yesterday? they are eating right now. does she always working? they did homework yesterday. are you swimming now? i don't like reading. i  like to  go for a  walk with friends. we didn't  went to the museum last month. does he sing rarely? we are walking right now.

1) People are downloaded millions of songs every day.

2) They have been sold lots of copies of her biography.

3) They were developed the Internet in the 1960s.

4) Anna Goldman will be finished the next book.

5) Shakespeare is written 37 plays

Популярно: Английский язык