Составить 12 вопросов к тексту на языке. the city of cardiff, the capital of wales, like so many british cities, has got an interesting history. from being a small, quiet town in earlier centuries, it suddenly developed very quickly in the 19th century. it grew into a major port, transporting coal and iron by ship to many different countries. however, until the second half of the century, living conditions in the city remained very bad. eventually, though, things improved, and in the 20th century, cardiff grew into a very pleasant city. in the centre, there are some lovely buildings, together with the castle. moving further out, there are quiet, leafy suburbs. down by the sea, the old port has been transformed into a lively area full of trendy restaurants, hotels and bars. outside cardiff there are also many places of interest to visit. at caerleon, for example, you can see parts of ancient roman buildings. if you drive up into the welsh valleys, you’ll see row upon row of terraced houses lining the streets of the old coal-mining villages. here, pride and community spirit still live on, even though there is no more coal. academically, cardiff has a university which is of a very high standard and which attracts thousands of students every year. the university has built up an impressive reputation as a centre of research, particularly in the sciences and branches of medicine. seventeen per cent of the student body is made up of international students from all over the world.

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1  the city of cardiff, the capital of wales, has got an interesting history,  hasn't it? 2 did  living conditions in the city remain very bad  until the second half of the century? 3 which  city  grew into a major port, transporting coal and iron by ship to many different countries? 4  when did  cardiff grow into a very pleasant city? 5  down by the sea, the old port has been transformed into a lively area full of trendy restaurants, hotels and bars,  hasn't it? 6  are  there many places of interest to visit o utside cardiff? 7  can  you see parts of ancient roman or greek  buildings a t caerleon? 8  what will  you  see  if you drive up into the welsh valleys? 9  what  attracts thousands of students every year? 10  is  cardiff  university  of a very high  or  low  standard? 11  what  is  there in the centre  of  the  city? 12  has  the university built up an impressive reputation as a centre of research?

1. talent
2. ego
3. famous
4. skill
5. stylish
6. courage
7. strong

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