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Раскрыть скобки в правильной форме there (be) a news report about a bank robbery. but it wasn't just any bank robbery. the robbery (take) place in the bank i had been to that day! i (be) really shocked! the robbers (get) away with more than a million pounds. luckily, nobody was hurt. i (listen) more carefully to find out exactly when it (happen). imagine my surprise, when i heard it happened only fifteen minutes after i (be) there! immediately, i (run) into the kitchen to tell my family. they (listen) with concern. 'lucky you had already left', my mum finally (say)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1were 2 taken 3 was 4 get 5 listened 6 happened 7 was 8 ran 9 listened 10 said

a – a noble idea

b -  noted more than once

c - no way to help (но и all sorts of help  подойдет). в начала там про то, с чем красный крест , а потом о том, с чем не смог .

d-  united strength

e - modern mission

f - history of the symbols

g - sources of financial support

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