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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello my dear friend! i want to tell you about my family. it is big and friendly. we always try to help each other. i also try to help my parents. i always clean my room. i go to shop to buy food. sometimes i cook dinner. every evening i wash dishes and help my mother to clean the kitchen. at the weekend i water flowers and help my mother to clean the flat. i think it is very important to help parents. and what about you? do you help your parents? sorry, i have to go. best

Дима , занаешь я маме как щас расскажу . стираю свои носки , убераю комнату , застелаю постель , в саду , мою посуду , кормлю рыбак , мою полы . думаю тебе было интересно . пока . hello dima, zana i help my mother how to tell right now. wash their socks, uberall room zastelayu bed, helping in the garden, wash the dishes, feed the fisherman, my floors. i think you were interested. till .

Hi jessie let's go for a movie? bye ann, see you tomorrow! hello, can i talk to mrs smith ? good evening jennie what would you like to eat for your super ? thanks for the roses harry ! thank you for your present i'd appreciate it ! good morning everyone good afternoon children, let's start our lesson.  good night , have a nice sleep 

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