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Подскажите как будет на писаться предложение ,,школьные занятия у меня начинаются в двенадцать двадцать народ, только цифры запишите в словах. заранее )

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School im starting at twelwe twenty-five.

Schools i begin at twelve twenty five.

Something 1.there is something on the table. 2.  i need to tell you something.3.  people  are always afraid of starting something new.4.  where can i get something to eat? 5.  i am not afraid to try something new. anything 1.  anything is better than nothing.2.  is there anything on the table? 3.  you can buy anything you want.   4.  does she know anything about ancient rome?   5.  we don't hear anything. many 1.  there are many candles on the fireplace shelf 2.  i don't have many  clothes .3.  how   many  students   are there in each  class ? 4.  how many  people  does  your  company  employ? 5.  not   many  people   have  heard   of him. much 1.there is much soup in the pan. 2.  he is much interested in the project.   3.  if i  drink  too much  coffee, i can't  sleep.4.  how much  liquid  do you  think  this  bottle  contains? 5.  it was much  further  to the  town  centre  than i  remembered.

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