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Lisa … her breakfast at the moment.
a) has b) have c) haves d) is having
27. It’s eleven o’clock. Her child … .
a) is sleeping b) are sleeping c) sleeps d) sleep
28. Listen! Somebody … the piano.
a) play b) is playing c) plays d) to play
29. They … for a bus right now.
a) wait b) are waiting c) to wait d) waiting
30. My mother … the flat now.
a) is cleaning b) cleans c) cleanes d) to clean
31. Look! She … an apple.
a) eat b) eats c) eating d) is eating
32. John … a letter at the moment.
a) write b) writes c) is writing d) writing
33. I … my key. I can’t open the door.
a) look for b) looking for c) am looking for d) am look for
34. Look at Philip! He … .
a) daydream b) daydreams c) is daydreaming d) is daydream
35. Why … you … ?
a) Do … hurry b) are … hurring c) are … hurrying d) are … hurry
36. Turn the music down. I … to concentrate.
a) am trying b) try c) to try d) trying
37. Sandy … in the garden.
a) still works b) is still working c) still is working d) is still work
38. Put your coat on. It … colder!
a) gets b) get c) to get d) is getting

39. … you … anything on Sunday?
a) Do … do b) are … doing c) is … doing d) is … doing
40. I’m glad that the sun … again today.
a) shine b) is shining c) shines d) to shine
41. Today Frenk … late.
a) is working b) work c) works d) to work
42. I … Biology and Maths this semester.
a) take b) am taking c) takes d) to take
43. He … a new book this year.
a) writes b) is writing c) write d) to write
44. Right now Lisa … a shower.
a) has b) have c) is having d) haves
45. Today my friend … from New York.
a) is coming b) come c) comes d) to come
46. Why … you … here? It is my place.
a) do … sit b) are … siting c) are sitting d) is … sitting
47. The prices on oil … in the world right now.
a) rises b) are rising c) rise d) to rise
48. David … on Sundays.
a) usually rests b) usually rest c) is usually resting d) are usually resting
49. They … to the cinema twice a month.
a) go b) goes c) are going d) going
50. Sue … the piano at the moment.
a) is playing b) play c) plays d) to play

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

26. D

27. A

28. B

29. B

30. A

31. C

32. C

33. C

34. C

35. C

36. A

37. B

38. D

39. B

40. B

41. A

42. B

43. B

44. C

45. A

46. B

47. B

48. A

49. A

50. A


1) whose




1) If I had more time, I would rake the leaves.

2) If Jim studies well, he will enter a university next year.

3) If I didn't wake up early, I will be late for work.

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