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Сократить текст, сказав о чем он( о самом главном). начиная со слов this text is заранее the purpose of criminal law is to punish people who commit crimes. the type of punishment depends on the crime. criminals who commit minor crimes such as trespassing usually receive a light punishment. they often get a fine or are put on probation. when criminals offend many times, they get a heavier punishment. they go to jail. criminals also go to jail when they are dangerous to others. for example, someone who commits assault and battery gets sent to jail. capital punishment is the most serious punishment. it is reserved for the worst crimes, such as murder.

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This text is  about the punishment of crime. for example, a minor offense punishable by a small period. but crimes that are dangerous to others are punishable by several years or even for life. the most severe punishment is the death penalty.

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