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Прочитайте ниже текст. преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. заполните пропуск полученным словом. «bella was a good student. she ) learning but she always started to feel very nervous when she had to write tests.» bella was a good student. she ) learning but she always started to feel very nervous when she had to write tests. that monday be) a lucky day for her and she realised it as soon as she came into the classroom. “oh, no! i ) all my pens at home.” she turned to jenny: “have you got a spare pen? ” “let me see,” jenny opened ) bag and pulled out a pen. “i've got this one. but it's green.” “give it to me anyway,” bella said. “if i don't find a proper pen, i ) in green ink. i hope it won't affect my grades.” when the teacher handed out the tests, bella felt even ) than she felt before. the test was really long — the tasks ) on both sides of the page! bella did print the first task quickly, but the ) one was a real problem. bella got panicky. time ticked on but she can) concentrate on the tasks. «michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. then his mum (come) into the room and turned on the light: » michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. then his mum (come) into the room and turned on the light: “i know there’s nothing (difficult) than to get up early in the morning in december.” mum bent and kissed michael’s cheek. “oh, you are boiling! your head is so hot. michael, (be) you all right? michael at last managed to open his eyes. “yes, i’m fine. but my head is spinning and my eyes hurt.” “it’s probably the flu. look, michael, i wish i (can) stay with you today, but i can’t. i have to be in our office till at least 3pm.” don’t worry, mum. if i need anything, (call) you at once.” “ (make) sandwiches already.” “i don’t want to eat, mum.” “ok. i’ll put (they) in the fridge.” when his mum left, michael woke up completely. he reached for the bookshelf and took out an old book of fairy tales. it (buy) by his great-grandmother, when he was a small child. she often said that even in her old age she (love) these tales more than anything else. michael opened the book and sank into the world of mystery and wonders.

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She enjoyed (enjoy) learning but she always started to feel very nervous when she had to write tests. that monday was not (not be) a lucky day for her and she realised it as soon as she came into the classroom. “oh, no! i have left (leave) all my pens at home.” jenny opened her (she) bag and pulled out a pen. “if i don't find a proper pen, i will write (write) in green ink. bella felt even worse (bad) than she felt before. the tasks were printed (print) on both sides of the page! but the second (two) one was a real problem. time ticked on but she could not (not can) concentrate on the tasks.then his mum came (come) into the room and turned on the light: “i know there’s nothing more difficult (difficult) than to get up early in the morning in december.” michael, are (be) you all right? i wish i could (can) stay with you today, but i can’t. if i need anything, i will call (call) you at once.” “i have made (make) sandwiches already.”“ok. i’ll put them (they) in the fridge.” it was bought (buy) by his great-grandmother when he was a small child. she often said that even in her old age she loved (love) these tales more than anything else.

in culture of the state the system of values of the people living in this territory is put. it is necessary to note that the culture is a basis of statehood and economy, and this thesis doesn't demand proofs.the russian school of the ballet, painting, theater are recognized around the world, and abroad the russian art has many ardent admirers. russia possesses the most rich cultural heritage: the best museums, extensive collections of painting etc. certainly, our task consists in preservation and development of our heritage. nevertheless, time dictates some other understanding of culture.actual at present there is an understanding of the term "culture" as method of formation of outlook, that is that, through what it is possible to formulate values, the purposes and tasks which today and tomorrow will be accepted by citizens. the culture allows to form a world picture, a picture of how the reality is understood and in what key it should develop and, thereby — to form a way of life of russians.the russian culture is now perceived, on the one hand, as «vodka, a herring and unwillingness to work», but, with another, as scientific "breaks" and "revolutions", «great achievements» and records, creations of great talents. it is obvious that ideas of the people and at the people about themselves are formed at the expense of the images embodied in culture as official, and isn't present. in this key the question of cultural development is a question of strategic development of the country. russian philosopher l.p.karsavin in the reasonings on the nation and its unity wrote that «the idea of culture defines statehood».if we as the people and as the country, we want to live tomorrow better, already today it is necessary to create attractive and successful images of the tomorrow's life and to place them in fascinating scenarios. and already in them to put systems of values, socially desirable acts and decisions. under the influence of these images desirable installations, behavior then will be formed. important not only to create images, but also to provide the widest access of people to them, that is to use the most effective forms and channels of translation of information. for example, in the first half of the xx century the cinema was such channel. the images created on the screen were to be realized. the authorities of the various countries quickly estimated power of this resource: so there was hollywood, the domestic film industry was created. hollywood as factory of dreams, still smoothly works for creation of necessary senses and images, and is quite successful. nevertheless, monopoly of a cinema it appeared not eternal. today the major and most intensively developing resource is the internet which provides more and more extensive possibilities. it is important to us seriously to start to work with the internet. how? it is possible to begin with simple things, for example, to make the main museums and galleries more available, that is to open virtual museums with virtual excursions and guides, to promote development of virtual libraries, etc.

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