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Завершить диалог. положите глаголы в скобках в past simple. 1. my father (work) for a multinational company and we ) in lots of different countries, so i ) to five different school. 2.no, i didn't. not really. i (not have) many friends because we stay) long in one place. i (leave) one school after six months! 3. (you/do) well in your exams? 4. yes, i did. because i (not/go) out with friends,i (study) a lot in the evenings and at the weekends. i (not/get) top grades, but i (get) a place at cambridge university. 5. what was that like? (you/like) it? 6. yes. i (think) it was great.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my father (worked) for a multinational company and we ) in lots of different countries, so i ) to five different schools. 2. no, i didn't. not really. i (did not have) many friends because we not stay) long in one place. i (left) one school after six months! 3. did you do well in your exams? 4. yes, i did. because i did not go out with friends, i (studied) a lot in the evenings and at the weekends. i (did not get) top grades, but i (got) a place at cambridge university. 5. what was that like? (did you like) it? 6. yes. i (thought) it was great.

1. when we came in we saw that somebody (had broken) the lamp. 2. the weather (has been) hot recently. 3. the man sitting near me was nervous. he had never (flown) before. 4. he (will have finished) the translation by 3 o'clock tomorrow.

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