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Задайте специальные вопросы. начните их со слов how many. 1. the have got two dogs. how many ? 2. the have got two dogs. how many ? 3. she has got five balls. how many ? 4. he has got three boxes. how many ? 5. she has got two bags. how many ? переведите. не забудте употребить глагол- связку. 1. кот под столом. the cat / under the table 2. котята в коробке. the kittens / in the box 3. mяч на стуле. the ball/ on the chair 4. стулья у стола. the chairs / at the table 5. я из россии. i / from russia переведите.не забудте употребить глагол - связку. 1. мой друг - ученик. my frend / a pupil 2. игрушки в коробке. the toys / in the box 3. мне десять лет. i/ the 4. утка под стулом. the duck / under the chair 5. кукла у коробки. the doll / at the box зарание большое!

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Ответы на вопрос:

    1.how   many dogs they have. ?   2. how many balls she has ?             . 3.how   many boxes he has?   4.how   many bags she has?               1. кот под столом.          the   cat   is  under the table              2. котята в коробке.          the   kittens are  in the box                3. mяч на стуле.            the ball is  on the chair              4.   стулья у стола.            the   chairs are  at the table                5.   я из россии.          i am from russia            переведите.не забудте употребить глагол - связку.       1. мой друг - ученик.        my frend is a pupil       2. игрушки в коробке.          the toys are  in the box                   3.   мне десять лет.          i am the  10           4. утка   под стулом.            the duck is under the chair          .       5. кукла у коробки.          the doll   is  at the box        

1. the have got   two dogs.      how   many dogs they have? 3.   she   has   got five   balls.      how many balls she has? 4.   he has got   three boxes.      how   many boxes he has? 5.   she   has got   two bags.      how   many bags she have ?           переведите. не забудте употребить глагол- связку.        1. кот под столом.          the   cat / under the table          the cat is under the table      2. котята в коробке.          the   kittens / in the box          the kittens are in the box      3. mяч на стуле.            the ball/ on the chair        the ball is on the chair      4.   стулья у стола.            the   chairs / at the table        the chairs are at the table      5.   я из россии.          i / from russia    i am from russia        переведите.не забудте употребить глагол - связку.      1. мой друг - ученик.        my frend / a pupil my friend is a pupil      2. игрушки в коробке.          the toys / in the box          the toys are in the box    3.   мне десять лет.          i/ the          i am 10      4. утка   под стулом.            the duck / under the chair          the duck is under the chair      5. кукла у коробки.           the doll / at the box   the doll is at the box

1 where are the smiths? _they (are yesterday they ( in colorado.

2 how long (are you in st petersburg? - for two days. there are a lot of places of interest we (have not yet.

3 what are you planning for we (are to the skating-rink. would you like (to us?

4 what's that tall building on the other side of the road? - it's a new shopping centre. it (will be soon and we'll ( able to visit it.

5 when was the new bridge constructed ? - when we ( here three years ago, they (were it. so it's about three years.

6 how is peter? (does he better now? - i hope so. i spoke with him yesterday evening and he said his temperature (had dropped/ to normal.

7 when did stacy ( learning italian? -she (has been learning) it for two months only. so she has a long way to go.

8 well, i'm ready to go. are you coming? - i (am up. just give me five minutes. i'll be thankful if you ( for me.

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