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Язык, 9 класс *внимание! во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ. фио ученика 1. найди ошибку. a) sink – sank – sunk b) hurt – hurt – hurt c) chose – chose – chosen d) beat – beat – beaten 2. nobody could recognize polly. she … so nice trying to charm the guests. a) was b) was being c) is d) being 3. найди ошибку. a) a formula – formulae b) a phenomenon – phenomena c) a datum – datas d) a basis – bases 4. … summer of 1867 was exceptionally hot and dry. a) the b) a c) - d) an 5. в каком ряду слова не являются антонимами. a)to admit – to deny b) correct – wrong c) pleasant – nasty d) deft – skillful 6. 1. … i said in my letter, i’m taking the exam in july. 2. he cried … baby, when they told him the news. a) like, as b) like, like c) as, like d) as, as 7. it(7) … 10 years to build this factory, and it was(8)… opened in 1976. a)had, b) took, c) got d) could 8. it(7) … 10 years to build this factory, and it was(8)… opened in 1976. a) generally b)thoroughly c) finally d) desirably 9. i’ll cut this article … of the magazine for you. a) out b) in c) up d) off 10. the committee wrote a … to change some of the school rules. a) letter b) proposal c) aim d) significance 11. подбери ответную реплику. could you show me where the station is? a) the pleasure is all mine. b) it’s over there. c) not in the list. d) here you are. 12. she doesn’t let her … … candy. a) kids eat b) kids to eat c) kids eating d) kids’ ate 13. when you are older, you’ll regret … your time as a student. a) to waste b) wasting c) waste d) to have wasted 14. i … the night last december when everything went wrong for me. a)remember b) was remembering c) had remembered d) have been remembering 15. в каком фрагменте предложения допущена ошибка. it comes a time in everyone’s life when a big decision has to be taken. a) it comes b) a time c) in everyone’s life d) a big decision

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1с 2 а 3 с 4 а 5 d 6 c 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 b 11 b 12 a 13 b 14 a 15 a

Моя подруга деятельная и умная. она хороша в учебе, танцах и пении. она хочет пойти учиться на учителя, чтобы в будущем давать хорошие и прекрасные знания другим детям. она всегда мне и другим людям, которые просят её о . кристина никогда не лжет. всегда говорит правду. она родителям дома, она любит тяжелую работу и честный труд. все её качества привлекают меня. я не могу найти более идеальной подруги, чем кристина. my girlfriend is active and intelligent. she is good at school, dancing and singing. she is going to be a teacher in the future to give good and excellent knowledge to other children. she always helps me and other people who ask for her help. christina never lies. she always tells the truth. she helps parents at home, she loves hard work and honest labor. all her qualities attract me. i cannot find a more perfect girlfriend than cristina.

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