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Переведите ! ! только не с переводчиками( мой памятный день - это поход с друзьями в парк.было лето, жарко .я и мои друзья катались на разных аттракционнах. нам было смешно и весело.кто-то ел сладкую вату, а кто-то мороженое.под конец дня мы разъехались по домам.этот день был одним из лучших!

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Ответы на вопрос:

My memorable day its  campaign with my friends in park. it was summer, very hot. me and my friends rode different  attractions. we had so much fun. someone ate cotton candy, and someone ice cream. at the end of the day we are went to the home. it was one of the best day!

1. не was at the sports centre. 2. he was at the circus yesterday. 3. she was at the zoo yesterday. 4. they were at the cinema yesterday. 5. they were at the cafe yesterday. 6. he was in the park yesterday. a - were you at school yesterday? b -   yes, i was. a - was your mother at home on saturday? в - yes, she was. а - were you with your friend last night?   в - no, i wasn't. а - were you in bed early   on sunday?   в - no, i wasn't.

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