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It is difficult to find a man whose name we do not associate it with the theorem of pythagoras. even those who in their lives far from mathematics, continue to preserve the memories of «the pythagorean pants» - the square of the hypotenuse, the равновеликом two squares on катетах. the reason for such popularity of the theorem of pythagoras is clear: it is the simplicity - beauty - importance. in fact, the pythagorean theorem is simple, but not obvious. the contradiction of two elements and gives it its particular fascination, makes her beautiful. but, in addition, the pythagorean theorem is of great importance. it is used in geometry literally at every step. there are about five hundred different proofs of this theorem, which shows the huge number of its specific implementation

1. she can read. - она умеет читать. 2. they go to school.- они ходят в школу. 3. yesterday we wolked.- мы вчера гуляли. 4. i got sick.- я заболела. 5. she has brown eyes. - у неё карие глаза. 6. i love to sing.- я люблю петь. 7. he lorned to draw. - он научился рисовать. 8. he has dark hair. - у него тёмные волосы. 9. she has a dog.- у неё есть собака. 10. he has a new jacket.- у него новая куртка. 11. i have a brother. - у меня есть брат. 12. he likes to work. - он любит работать. 13. she loves to cock.- она любит готовить. 14. he loves to play football.- он любит играть в футбол. 15. we have a bike. - у нас есть велосипед.

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