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Ответы на вопрос:

7) b

8) a

9) d

10) с

11) с

12) d

13) a

14) c

15) b

16) d

1. He should know how the equipment operates.

2. Is it possible here to exchange dollars?

3. Can we pay for the room on arrival to the hotel?

4. He could not answer that question.

5. What would you like to do now?

6. I do not want to go to the beach in the morning.

7. It is too late to call them.

8. I am going to book the same hotel.

9. We were glad to meet your colleagues.

10. May I have your pen for a minute?

11. It will not be so easy to explain him the problem.

12. She was surprised to get that letter.

13. We are ready to help you with this matter.

14. I will have to go to business on China. (тут непонятно вы поставили запятые между словами, так что вот, что получилось)

15. Must I translate this letter?

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