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Переведите : мой день начинается с того, что я просыпаюсь в 7: 00 утра и иду в душ. в 7: 20 я завтракаю. в 8: 00 я одеваюсь и выхожу на улицу, сажусь в автомобиль и еду на учебу. по пути я завожу мою девушку на учебу. в 8: 30 я уже как правило нахожусь в университете, вплоть 4: 00. в 11: 40 начинается обед и мы идем кушать. после учебы я кушаю, заезжаю домой переодеться и еду в тренажерный зал на тренировку. с 6 вечера и до ночи у меня свободное время, я делаю уроки, гуляю или смотрю сериалы с девушкой. в 12: 00, мы примерно ложимся с ней спать.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My day starts with waking up at 7am and taking a shower. at 7.20am i have breakfast and at 8am i get dressed, leave the house then get in the car and drive to my university. on the way there i get my girlfriend to her university. i'm usually at the university from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm. 11.40am is a lunch time so we go to eat. after studying i eat, drive home to change and go to the  gym. from 6pm till night i'm free so i do my homework, walk out or watch tv-shows with my girlfriend. at 12.00pm we usually go to sleep. 

My day begins with the fact that i wake up at 7: 00 a.m. and go to the shower. at 7: 20 i eat breakfast. 8: 00 i get dressed and go outside, sit incar and go to school. on the way i make my girlfriend to study. at 8: 30 i have usually are in the university, until 4: 00. at 11: 40 starts lunch and we're going to eat. after school i eat, i stop home to change and go to the gym for a workout. from 6 pm to night i have free time, i do lessons, go for a walk or watch shows with a girl. at 12: 00, we go to sleep with her.


2) He has been playing tennis since 5:00 pm.

3) It has been snowing for three hours.

4) I haven't seen Susan since 2001.

5) Bill and Richard have been taking karate lessons since March.

6) I have been waiting for a friend outside the cinema for twenty minutes.

7) Tina has been going on holiday to Sanatorini for five years.

8) I haven't seen David for ages.


1) am writing

2) has happened

3) Do you know...

4) has asked

5) have been waiting

6) have been reading

7) have aalready written

8) want

9) am counting

10) attend

11) am becoming

12) Are you not excited...


1) have been learning

2) have been

3) hasn't been to

4) hasn't taken

5) have ever been to

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