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Divide these lines into words and say what factor they refer to. togatherandanalysedata; tounderstandandexplainwhatpeoplethinkaboutpro- ductoradverts; tofindoutaboutcustomersatisfaction; topredicthowcustom- ersmightrespondtoanewproductonthemarket

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Ответы на вопрос:

To gather and analyze data; to understand and explain what people think about product adverts; to find about customer satisfaction; to predict how customers might respond to a new product on the market


1)does not enjoy / doesn't enjoy

2)does not swim / doesn't swim

3) Do you walk to school?

4)do not eat / don't eat

5)does not like / doesn't like

6)do not run / don't run

7) Do they play football?

8)Does Mr Harris live in Brazil?

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