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Нужно. make the sentences negative. 1. mary made fruit salad yesterday. - 2. sally kept a white rat as a pet. - answer the questions. 1. where did you go last sunday? - 2. did you want to have a pappy when you were little? - 3. did you eat soup yesterday? - 4. what did you wear at school yesterday? - 5. what did your friend do at school yesterday - 6. did you go for a walk yesterday night? - 7. what did you read yesterday? - 8. did you play snowballs a month ago? -

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. marry didn't 2. sally didn't i went in the forest last sunday yes, i did no, i didn't i wear a drees my friend was playing with his mobile phone no, i don't yes, i do no

1)mary didn't make fruit salad yesterday 2) sally didn't keep a white rat as a pet answers: 1) место куда ты вчера ходил(yesterday i went to the school/shop) 2) был ли у тебя щенок.( yes/no did/didn't) 3) ел ли ты вчера суп(yes/no i did/didn't) 4) что ты одевал в школу? (yesterday i woar school uniform) 5) что делали вчера твои друзья(yesterday they played games/ made homework) 6) гулял ли ты вчера? (yes/no i did/didn't) 7) читал ли ты вчера? (yes/no i didn't) 8) играл ли ты в снежки прошлым месяцем? ( no, i didn't)

1 the newspaper was looked for everywhere.

2 the flowers are watered by mother in the evening.

3 the roof of the house will be painted by the boys.

4 the bear was attached by the bees when it tried to take their honey.

5 english is spoken all over the world.

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