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1answer: a member of a group living under the rule of a government a. fascism e. citizen b. communism f. civics c. sovereignty g. public policy d. democracy h. economic system 2answer: the study of american citizenship a. fascism e. citizen b. communism f. civics c. sovereignty g. public policy d. democracy h. economic system 3answer: the highest power to rule a country a. fascism e. citizen b. communism f. civics c. sovereignty g. public policy d. democracy h. economic system 4answer: a plan of action designed by the government to support a goal that improves the lives of its citizens a. fascism e. citizen b. communism f. civics c. sovereignty g. public policy d. democracy h. economic system 5answer: a form of government in which a dictator and businesses support each other to gain more power a. fascism e. citizen b. communism f. civics c. sovereignty g. public policy d. democracy h. economic system 6answer: one way of classifying governments is by the number of geographical regions being governed. a. true b. false 7answer: a dictatorship is a government in which one person holds the complete power to rule. a. true b. false 8answer: governments can be classified by the number of people who rule and by the amount of control a government has over the people. a. true b. false 9answer: a country's economic system is determined by the amount and kind of money a country produces. a. true b. false 10answer: the concept of democracy originated with the founders of the united states when they wrote the constitution. a. true b. false 11answer: those who take part in ruling the group are together known as a(n) 12answer: another word for "to rule" a group of people is "to " 13answer: the word "civics" come from the latin word "" 14answer: the of a people includes the language, customs, values, and beliefs of that people. 15answer: ideally, in a(n) country there would be no need for government and the people would receive products and services based upon their needs. 16answer: an economic system in which business leaders are free to open businesses and in which consumers are free to buy the goods and services they want is called the system. 17answer: a(n) democracy works best in a country with many people living in a large geographic area. 18answer: henry david thoreau and martin luther king, jr. believed in as a way to achieve their goals. 19answer: a is a government in which the people hold the final authority to rule. a. monarchy b. democracy c. communism d. fascism 20answer: the united states is an example of a. constitutional democracy. b. direct democracy. c. constitutional monarchy. d. representative democracy. 21answer: in a country, the government interferes less with business activities of the people. a. capitalist b. fascist c. communist d. socialist 22answer: a totalitarian government is one in which a. a few people rule and try to watch over every aspect of the lives of citizens. b. a few businesses rule the entire country. c. a wealthy few govern everyone. d. one person governs all business activity. 23answer: which of the following does not describe a socialistic economic system? a. control of certain industries b. equal distribution of a country's wealth or resources c. health care planned by the government d. significant tax breaks for the wealthy 24answer: in 1848, karl marx described a political and economic system known as a. free enterprise. b. socialism. c. communism. d. fascism. 25answer: if you read a newspaper article about an upcoming election and give a report to your civics class about the qualifications of a certain can- didate, which citizenship skills are you using? a. gathering information and making decisions b. making judgments and decisions c. making decisions and cooperating d. gathering and communicating information

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.citizen 2.civics 3.sovereignty 4.public policy 5.fascism 6.true 7.true 8.true 9.false 10.true

Упражнение 2.

1. March thirtieth one thousand nine hundred sixty-five.

2. The first of November.

3. The fifteenth of September one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven.

4. The second of July.

5. Third of August two thousand twenty.

6. By the fourteenth of April.

7. By the twenty ninth of November.

8. By the twenty-fourth of February.

Упражнение 3.

one half, nine tenths, fife eighths, eleven twelfths, one point thirty-seven hundredths, two fifths, four sevenths, eight point thirty-four hundredths.

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