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Подскажите , как на языке будут звучать эти . слова: always, never, often, sometimes, usually?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Always - всегда. i always do it - я всегда делаю это. never -  никогда. i never did that - я этого никогда не делал. often - часто. i often mistake here/in that place - я часто ошибаюсь здесь/в этом месте. sometimes - иногда.  i sometimes go there - я иногда туда хожу. usually - обычно. usually, i am first in this case - обычно, я первый в этом деле/занятии.

Всегда, никогда, часто, иногда, обычно

Each year has different occasions. each occasion has its own characteristics and traditions. i like march 8 because it is interesting. i like may 9 because our family goes to the parade to celebrate easter; because my mum paints eggs and visits my grandmother who has delicious cakes and otehr treats. but most of all i like my birthday! i like my birthday because this day all people pay much attention to you and give presents. i invite a lot of friends and we play for all day. for my birthday my mum bakes a cake for me, i blow candles on the cake and make fondest wish. if you don't tell anyone what the wish was, it will come true, because birthday is a magical day!

Популярно: Английский язык