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Перевести текст с на : фильм "клятва" - впечатляющий и душевный фильм. этот фильм основан на тонкостях чувств, эмоций и человеческих отношений. о том что если любишь - борись за свою любовь и преодолевай трудности. надо бороться до последнего , никогда не отпускать любимого человека, сделать все возможное и невозможное.несмотря на то что пейдж забыла мужа, он вновь решает завоевать ее сердце, чтобы быть с ней рядом. сейчас редко такое встретишь в реальной жизни. этот фильм заставляет задуматься о многом. можно сказать этот фильм о "сказочной любви". после просмотра остается приятное, теплое ощущение. только жаль что к пейдж память так и не вернулась.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Oath" is a very impressive and emotional film. this film is based on the intricacies feelings, emotions and human relationships. the story is that if you love fight for your love and overcome difficulties. we must fight to the last , never let go of a loved one, to do everything possible and impossible.despite the fact that paige had forgotten husband, he again decides to win her heart, to be near her. now rarely met in real life. this movie makes you think a lot. you can tell this film is about "fairytale love". after viewing the remains pleasant, warm feeling. just a pity that to paige's memory never returned.

The film "the vow" - very impressive and emotional film. this film is based on the intricacies feelings, emotions and human relations. the story is about that if you love - fight for their love and overcome difficulties. we have to fight to the last, never let go of a loved one, do your best and nevozmozhnoe.nesmotrya the fact that paige had forgotten her husband, he again decides to win her heart, to be by her side. who is rarely met in real life. this movie makes you think about many things. we can say this film about "fairy love." after viewing the remains pleasant, warm feeling. just a pity that by paige memory never returned. 

1.   you aren't a manager 2. he isn't a policeman 3. she isn't an actress 4. it isn't a cat 5. we aren't dancers 6. you aren't doctors 7. they aren't pilons

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