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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present simple, present continuous или future simple. 1. we are sure he (to be) late. 2. look! you child (to eat) an ice-cream. 3. i (to agree) to go there if you (to go) there too. 4. she (not to like) to play this game, but now she (to play). 5. he supposes she (to be) in paris next week. 6. you (to achieve) a great success if you (to work) hard. 7. i (to think) he (to come) tonight. 8. john (to phone) your office for you tomorrow. 9. you (to go) for a walk only when you (to finish) doing your lessons. 10. my friend (not to work) tomorrow. 11.1 (to be) sorry that you never (to see) your money again. 12. you (to help) me tomorrow? - no, i (not to do) it. 13. don’t worry! i (to play) for the damage in some days. 14. look! mary and john (to be) together now. - yes, they (to get) married in a week. 15. sheila (to believe) she (to pass) her exam next month. 16. your sister (to go) to the theatre next friday? 17. what (to be) the matter? why you (to phone) the doc tor now? 18. why he (not to sleep) now? — he (to watch) tv. 19. if you (to tell) her telephone number, i (to ring) her up. 20. my son (not to like) to eat soup but he (to eat) hist soup now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)is 2)is eating 3) go 4)doesn't playing 5)will be 6)will work 7) come 8)will phone 9)will 10)will not work 11)i 12)will you will not do it 13)i play 14) getting 15) pass 16)will go 17) you phoning 18)is not watching 19) ring 20)do not eating

Agood friend is someone who will always support you and not when will not betray. real friends can be found only in the bidet. to date, hard to find real friends. now friends just use you for their own benefit. friends do not happen much. this is only one of each. he will always support and help in difficult situations. a true friend will never tell your secrets.

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