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Краткое содержание фильма гарри поттер ( около 10-15 предложений!!!

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Harry Potter is a series of novels written by the English writer J.K. Rowling. It includes seven books, each of which describes one year from Harry's life. All seven parts became bestsellers and translated into many languages, and of course into Russian. The total series of books has been published in excess of 300 million copies, which is a kind of record in the world of children's literature. The main character, Harry James Potter, was born on July 31, 1980. He studied at Hogwarts from 1991 to 1996 at the Gryffindor Department. Before Harry was born, there was a prophecy that in late July or early August a boy would be born who could defeat the Dark Lord Voldemort, and Harry Potter was just right for this role. Harry Potter After a collision with the Dark Lord, Harry Potter remains alive thanks to the spell Lily, although he loses his parents. So he was left completely alone and without a roof over his head, but with a scar in the form of a lightning on his forehead. Hagrid was instructed to take the boy to a safe place, so Harry Potter settled with his last relatives Vernon and Petunia Dursley. There, a life full of suffering and deprivation awaited him, food served as scraps, clothes, cast-offs. So he lived 10 years, not even suspecting his magical origin.

Гарри Потер - это серия романов, написанная английской писательницей Дж. К. Роулинг. Она включает в себя семь книг, каждая из которых описывает один год из жизни Гарри. Все семь частей стали бестселлерами и переведены на многие языки, и конечно же на русский. Общая серия книг выпущена тиражом превышающим 300 млн. экземпляров, что является своеобразным рекордом в мире детской литературы Главный герой Гарри Джеймс Поттер родился 31 июля 1980 года. Обучался в Хогвартсе с 1991 по1996 годы на факультете Гриффиндор. Еще до рождения Гарри было пророчество, что в конце июля или начале августа родится мальчик, который сможет победить Темного Лорда Волан-де-Морта, и Гарри Потер как раз подходил на эту роль. гари поттерПосле столкновения с Темным Лордом Гарри Поттер остается жив, благодаря заклинанию Лили, хотя и теряет своих родителей. Так он остался совсем один и без крыши над головой, зато со шрамом в виде молнии на лбу. Хагриду было поручено проводить мальчика в безопасное место, так Гарри Потер поселился у своих последних родственников Вернона и Петунии Дурслей. Там его ждала жизнь полная страданий и лишений, едой ему служили объедки, одеждой- обноски. Так он жил 10 лет, даже не подозревая о своем магическом происхождении.


1. i think that environmental issues are extremely significant to our society and we should do more to keep our land, air or water clean, otherwise we will get the contaminated nature in the forseeable future.  measures that are taken today are not enough to save our planet from habitual pollution. 2. yes, we try to resolve lots of problems connected with the environment, for example, we started a process of recycling domestic food scraps and biodegradable waste, but more serious measures must be taken to save our planet from further distraction. 3. i heard that some actions to save some endangered animal species have been taken, but judging by tv news some of them are still under the danger of extinction. 4. more and more forests are being heavily logged throughout the world, so i am assured the problem of forestry is now completely neglected and i think it is a high time for governments passed a law protecting forests from being logged. 5.  practically all wild animals are hunted almost to extinction, and i suggest to allot some special areas to keep them away from poachers. by doing this, we will not only save their lives but also get a chance to breed them on a constant basis. 6. as much as i know, all chemicals and are kept in special tanks designed to prevent them from getting on the land and poisoning it, though some additional measures would be desirable.

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