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Как по парус , корабль , тубик , паста , ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

sail- парус  корабль-ship.    паста- paste    и tubik

sail-парус boat-корабль и не тубик а тюбик tube-тюбик pasta-паста

2) they have got a lot of grass for the the rabbit, haven't they? 3) sarah hasn't got a budgie, has she? 4) my brother hasn't got many coins in his collection, has he? 5) we haven't got much time, have we? 6) john has got a new pet, hasn't he? 1) we can play tennis, can't we? 2) you can speak english, can't you? 3) they must visit their parents, mustn't they? 4) he couldn't read then, could he? 5) she can't play the piano, can she? 6) we mustn't do it now, must we?

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