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Вставити букви в словах t_e f_ _t a_m kne_ l_g h_ps

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Foot(feet) arm knee leg hips

A) a lot of rubbish that is a real danger to health is floating in the sea. a lot of rubbish is floating in the sea and it is a real danger to health. b) the problem of soil erosion which has occured ever since the man began to destroy forests is discussed in this chapter. the problem of soil erosion has occured ever since the man began to destroy forests and is discussed in this chapter. c) nuclear energy comes from the energy stored within the nuclei of atoms which are the basic building blocks of all matter. nuclear energy comes from the energy stored within the nuclei of atoms and they are the basic building blocks of all matter. d)  the best things in life such as water  and air which we often take it for  granted  are free. the best things in life such as water  and air are free and we often take it for  granted.e)  the manufacture of one pc requires  28kg of liquid chemicals which  have to be neutralized by a  further 11 kg of sodium hydroxide.

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