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Сделать карточка № 1 подчеркните слова, определить the present indefinite tense: every day now usually today never yesterday last year/month/week seldom often sometimes 5 minutes ago карточка № 2 зачеркните местоимения, которые не могут быть подлежащим: my i we his you her they it your he our she карточка № 3 раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму: i (get) up at eight o’clock yesterday. she usually (come) home at five o’clock last year. карточка № 4 исправьте ошибки в отрицательных предложениях: we not like to play tennis. he did not swims very well. карточка № 5 составьте из рассыпавшихся слов вопросительные предложения: they, to, go, did, last, school, sunday? in, did, live, street, this, she? карточка № 6 прочитайте правильно глаголы в 3 лице единствен- ном числе: lived played kissed decided loved wished decorated translated cleaned

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Ответы на вопрос:

1every day.usually.today.seldom.often.sometimes 2зачеркиваю my,his,her,your,our. 3got came 4we don't like he didn't 5did they go to school last sunday? did she live in this street? 6lives plays kisses decides loves wishes decorates translates cleans

2) cheat

3) related

6) progress

7) married

8) essay

10) thief

11) copy

12) prison

15) guard?

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