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1. Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
Example: ... before we came from the supermarket. Liz/ to clean/the flat/for two hours.
— Liz had been cleaning the flat for two hours before we came from the supermarket.
1) ... before Tom came to the court. Helen/to play/tennis/for an hour and a half.
2) ... before he retired. Mr Black/to work /as a lawyer/for twenty-five years.
3) ... when the bus arrived. We/ to wait/for forty minutes.
4) Sheila looked tired because ... . She/to sew/a dress/for her little daughter/all day.
5) Before Jack got to level four ... . He/to play/the same game/for three hours.
6) Mike's neighbours were angry because ... . He/to listen/to loud music /for four hours/yesterday evening.
7) Everybody was very hungry because ... . They/to work/all day/without/a break for lunch.
8) ... when suddenly the car broke down. We/ to drive/for five hours.
9) ... before the plane landed in the airport late in the evening yesterday. They/to fly/for six hours.
10) ... since Easter, Alex and Den/to prepare/for the exams.

2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1) Brian had been trying to find a better job for three weeks.
2) Little Johnny had been riding his new bike all day yesterday.
3) Robert and Frank had been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday.
4) Julia had been typing the report all the morning yesterday.
5) It had been raining all night last Tuesday.
6) The Smiths had been building their house for four years.
7) We had been skating for three hours yesterday.
8) You had been decorating the classroom for more than two hours last Saturday.
9) The twins had been fighting in the backyard when their mother saw them.
10) Molly had been speaking on the phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening.
3. Find mistakes and correct them.
1) Ann had been done the ironing for two hours yesterday.
2) We had tried to catch a taxi for twenty-five minutes last Sunday before we managed to stop one.
3) Margaret had been not surfing the Net all day yesterday.
4) Nigel had being trying to get in touch with you for a week.
5) Had been they waiting for a bus for half an hour last Wednesday?
6) How long Nelly had been speaking on the phone yesterday?
7) Had Sue been sunbathing all day yesterday? — No, she had.
8) They have been dancing for more than an hour yesterday before Helen got tired.
9) Who had played the piano in your room from 3 to 4 o'clock yesterday?
10) Why had been crying your baby all the morning yesterday?

4. Translate into English.
а) Я чекала його вже 40 хвилин, коли він нарешті прийшов.
б) Кли вони прийшли на вечірку, всі гості розішлись по будинкам.
в) Оля не сказала мені, що минулого вівторка вона бачилась з моїм братом.
г) Виявилось, вона працювала вже чотири години, перед тим як керівник помітив її.
д) Майк вже навчився читати, коли йому виповнилося 5 років.
е) Дівчина була вся мокрою. Напевно, вона плавала.
ж) До кінця року народ обрав нового президента.

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Ответы на вопрос:

так это не вопрос это из s.t.a.l.k.e.r.a я все почти книги читал

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