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doctors say that it is very useful to ride a bike. is this actually the case. turning the pedals on the bike we have continuously reduced and relax the muscles of the legs. and this in turn helps to strengthen the heart, lungs and improve circulation of the blood.i more and more often lately, i notice that the people who spend the whole week sitting at a table at the monitor in the weekend trying to go out to the nature, and not on the machine, but on a bicycle. yes, and now bicycles are not such as they were before. when i remember bike ukraine was considered to be the most popular. and almost all of it is buying it. now in the sale of a variety of choice. and by weight and in its capabilities bikes now and it is easier and more comfortable.what pleasure we get from the sight of the beautiful landscapes being on the nature. the only thing that can spoil the trip is rain.if there is no time and no desire to buy a bike and ride on nature, you can buy an exercise bike and pedaling without leaving their homes. you can adjust the resistance of the bike so that in addition to motion on a flat surface you mock more and up the hill, you will gain full compliance ride this bike. by the way bikes are a very popular destination because you can go in any time of the day and in any weather. and again here we can observe the many parameters, control your state, pulse, and even blood pressure. and this is important for older people and people with diseases of the cardio - vascular system.

Iam from i study at school in the th form. my school is ok but sometimes i find it is a bit boring and tiring because of lots of homework. so i would like to make some changes. if i were a principal of the school i would cancel homework - i think it is wasting time! then, i would make the breaks between lessons longer. next, i would also improve the menu in school canteen - most of food is absolutely disgusting. i think students need more salads, fruit, and vegetables. the next step is holidays. summer holidays are long enough but i would make autumn, winter and spring holidays longer to let pupils to spend more time out or to travel. my favourite school subject is biology so in my ideal school i would like to have the subject every day. it is a good idea to have more practice and different researches or projects. sports, music, arts and crafts should be main subjects and the teachers have to be friendly, happy and experienced. so they have to be well paid! in the school of my dream i would also include more excursions and school trips in the schedule. i think it is very important to travel with classmates and to share impressions. this is the idea of the school of my dream.мое я живу   я учусь в школе моя школа-это хорошо, но иногда мне кажется немного скучной и утомительной из-за большого . поэтому я хотел бы внести некоторые изменения. если бы я был директором школы, я бы отменил - думаю, это зря! тогда я бы сделал перерывы между уроками дольше. далее, я бы также улучшить меню в школьной столовой - большая часть еды-это совершенно отвратительно. я думаю, ученикам нужно больше салатов, фруктов и овощей. следующий шаг-праздники. летние каникулы достаточно длинные, но я бы сделал осенние, зимние и весенние каникулы дольше, чтобы позволить ученикам проводить больше времени или путешествовать. мой любимый предмет в школе-биология, поэтому в моей идеальной школе я бы хотела иметь этот предмет каждый день. это хорошая идея, чтобы иметь больше практики и разных исследований или проектов. спорт, музыка, искусство и ремесла должны быть основными предметами и преподаватели должны быть дружелюбными, счастливыми и опытными.

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