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1. Я играю с друзьями в парке в солнечную погоду, 2. В чем твой брат одет? - На нем толстовка и джинсы, 3. Мы обычно ездим в школу на автобусе, 4. Они навещают бабушку дважды в месяц, 5. Мы едим в магазин? 6. Что на ней одето? - На ней красное платье, 7. Мы ходим по магазинам каждое воскресенье, 8. Наши родители носят элегантную одежду. 9. Моя сестра расчесывает шерсть своей собаки каждые Выходные, 10. Мы играем в теннис по пятницам, 11. Каждое утро у меня урок английского языка, 12. Мои друзья играют сейчас в саду, 13. Во что они сегодня одеты? 14, Яс сестрой хожу в кино два раза в месяц, 15. Что ты сейчас читаешь? - Я читаю очень интересную книгу, Переведи эти слова . ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.I'm playing with friends in the park in sunny weather.

2.What is your brother wearing? "He's wearing a hoodie and jeans.

3.We usually go to school by bus.

4. They visit my grandmother twice a month.

5. Do we go to the store?

6. What is she wearing? - She is wearing a red dress.

7. We go shopping every Sunday.

8. Our parents wear elegant clothes.

9. My sister combs her dog's fur every weekend.

10. We play tennis on Fridays.

11. I have an English lesson every morning.

12. My friends are playing in the garden now.

13. What are they wearing today?

14. My sister and I go to the movies twice a month.

15. What are you reading now? - I'm reading a very interesting book.

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In sunny weather I play with my friends in the park.What is your brother wearing? — He's wearing a hoodie and jeans.We usually go to school by bus.They visit granny twice a month.Are we going to the shop?What is she wearing? — She is wearing a red dress.We go shopping every Sunday.Our parents wear elegant clothes.My sister combs her dog's hair every weekend.We play tennis on Fridays.I've got an English lesson every morning.My friends are playing in the garden now.What are they wearing today?My sister and I go to the cinema twice a month.What are you reading now? — I'm reading a very interesting book.

The world of science doesn't have a bordres. we live in a world where discoveries are make constantly. there are many scientists . for example the great law of gravitation was discovered by isaac newtone. radio was discovered by alexander   popov. russian chemist mendeleev invented the periodic table of elements in 1869. every time when scientists make discoveries we understand that we are just a speck in the huge world. the more of discoveries, the more questions. consequently the world of science doesn't have a borders.

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