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Ты хотел бы стать доктором/зубным врачом/медсестрой? если да то почему если нет то почему

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Ответы на вопрос:

Еще в детстве я хотел стать врачом. один раз у меня заболело горло, и мама отвела меня к врачу. врач дал мне таблетку и я стал здоровым. после этого случая я понял, что тоже хотел бы людям.  лично я думаю, что медицина благородное и полезное дело. я буду хорошо учиться и обязательно стану доктором. in childhood i wanted to be a doctor.    once i had a sore throat and my mom took me to the doctor.  the doctor gave me a pill and i have became healthy.   after this accident i have understood that i want help people too. i personnaly think that the medicine is a  very noble cause. i will study good and should be a doctor!


1) 1. How many apples are in the fridge? - Not many.

  2. How many apples are in the fridge? - Not many.

  3. How much sugar is in the pot? - Not much.

  4. How much milk is in the  fridge? - Not much.

  5. How many biscuits are in the box? -Not many.

2) A: i'd like some milk, please. B: How much do you want? A: A glass, please. Have you got any crisps? B: Of course. How many packets do you want? A: Two, please. A: We need some pizzas for the party. B: Good idea/ How many do we need for twelve people? A: Four large ones. We need some burgers too. B: I think twelve are OK. Have we got any lemonade? A: Yes, there's some in the fridge. B: How many bottles are there? A: Six


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