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Заполните пропуски возвратными местоимениями.переведите на яз 1)they should 2)i shall ask 3)she 4)we shall tell

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) they should blame themselves.

2) i shall ask him myself.

3) she washed herself.

4) we shall tell her ourselves.

1) им надо себя винить.

2) я сам(а) его спрошу.

3) она помылась.

4) мы сами ей скажем.

1. mark is (their / theirs) cousin. 2. this (our / ours) car. it is (our / ours). 3. these books are(her / hers). 4. (her / hers) house is very big. 5. yellow is (my / mine) favourite colour. 6. youcan’t take this book. it isn’t (your / yours). 7. is this (your / yours) coat? 8. bob and fred are(their / theirs) cousins. 9. this dog is (my / mine). 10. look at (her / hers) new hat. it’s nice. 11.tom is a friend of (my / mine). 12. she’s got a pen of (your / yours)

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