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Спессив войс. who has packed the boxes? a)who has been packed the boxes by? b)who have been packed the boxes by? c)by whom the boxes has been packed? d)by whom has the boxes been packed? e)who have the boxes been packed by?

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Who+have/has+object+v3+by  / by whom+have/has+object+v3 who has d

she asked for help the fairy godmother. - она попросила о добрую фею.

at the palece she danced whith the prince. -   во дворце она танцевала с принцем.

the prince married her. - принц женился на ней.

they lived happily ever after. - после они жили долго и счастливо( это чисто перевод, но можно перевести дословно - после они жили счастливо.)

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