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Ex. 50. Revise Complex Object. A) Translate the following sentences. Underline the Complex Object Construction in the English sentences.
(Перевести следующие предложения. Подчеркнуть построение комплексного объекта на английском языке)

1. I know them to respect their parents’ opinion. - Я знаю, что они уважают мнение своих родителей.
2. Do you know me to have taken part in that international conference? - Вы знаете, что я принимал участие в этой международной конференции?
3. Do you want him to book the hotel room? - Вы хотите, чтобы он забронировал номер в отеле?
4. She wanted Mr. Brown to be invited to her daughter’s wedding. - Она хотела, чтобы мистер Браун был приглашен на свадьбу ее дочери.
5. Could we suppose her to create such wonderful things soon?! - Можем ли мы предположить, что она вскоре создаст такие замечательные вещи?!

B) Transform the sentences according to the model:
I expect that she will send me a letter. I expect her to send me a letter. I know that he is a great scientist. I know him to be a great scientist. (Инструкция: опускаем союз that, ставим местоимение в форму объектного падежа, упрощаем сказуемое в любой видовременной форме до исходной формы инфинитива. Будьте внимательны с неправильными глаголами.)

1. I know that my friend is a just man.
Пример: I know that my friend is a just man. – I know (опускаем that) my friend (is приводим к форме инфинитива) to be a just man. -> I know my friend to be a just man.
2. I expect that he will understand your problem and help you to solve it.
3. I expected that she would behave quite differently.
4. I did not expect that my brother would forget to send her flowers.
5. He knows that my mother is a very kind woman.
6. She expected that her brother would bring her the book.
7. I know that your uncle is an excellent mathematician.
8. People expect that the 21st century will bring peace on the Earth.


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1. my aunt won't probably come.   c. probably. 2. the road is closed.   there's been an accident. b. there 3. will there be any delays because of the strike? a. there 4. it's very late. they aren't likely to come. c. likely 5. is it the thirteenth today? - no, the fifteenth.  a. it.

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