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Сделать . 32. complete the answers. can l help you? -- yes, may l come in? -- yes, did you say that you know her? -- yes, did you say you're inviting me to the theatre? -- yes are you sure you have to leave? -- yes would you like a cup of tea? -- no can you give me a lift (подвезти на машине) to the station? -- did you go to the school party last night? - no can you tell me the time , please ? - no do you mind if l open the window ? - no

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1yes,you can 2 yes,you may. 3 yes,   i  did. 4 yes,i did. 5 yes,im sure. 6 no,i woudnt. 7 no, i cant. 8 no,i didnt 9 no,i cant. 10 no,i dont mind

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