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When was the first accurate clock designed? a) in 1657 b) in 1637 c) in 1700
2 When were shadow clocks first used?
a) 3000 years ago b) 4000 years ago c) 2000 year ago
3 When were mechanical clocks made?
a) in the 13th century b) in the 15th century
c) in the 14th century
4 What kind of clocks were used in ancient Egypt?
a) hourglasses b) water clocks
5 When were sand glasses used?
a) in the Middle Ages b) after 1700
6 Where were the first wristwatches made?
a) in England and Germany b) in France and Switzerland
Pupil B, ask pupil A about the invention of the telephone and
after your partner's answer circle the right option.
1 When was the telephone invented?
a) in 1895 b) in 1901 C) in 1875
2 Where was Alexander Bell born?
3 What kind of job was Alexander Bell given when he got to
a) a teaching position with blind people
b) a teaching position with deaf people
4 Who was his work financed by?
a) his father b) his best friend
5 What were the first words spoken over the telephone?
a) "Hello, Bell speaking. Can I speak to Mr Watson, please?"
b) "Come here, Mr Watson, I want to see you."
6 When was the first communication satellite launched?
a) in 1962 b) in 1958 c) in 1968
c) his pupil's father
b) Pupil A, ask pupil B about​

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Есть только несколько супервулканов в мире и йеллоустонский парк в сша является одним из них. вулкан извергается почти каждые 600 000 лет и просто прежде чем это произойдет, есть большие землетрясения районе. густой черный пепел, который падает от огромного взрыва убивает большинство растений и многие виды было трудно выжить. он также блокирует свет от солнца есть резкое понижение температуры, что делает его чувствовать себя подобно зиме по всему миру. если ученые правы, и йеллоустонский супер вулкан готов проснуться, тогда может люди вымрут тоже

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