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Нужно вставить на месте пропусков артикли (a,an,the) 1.mike became furniture salesman after leaving school 2.there were more people on beach than in water. 3.it is pity he made fool of himself. 4.which do you prefer: classical or popular music? 5.amundsen was first man to reach south pole. 6. he used to tell such funny stories. 7. family who live opposite our house are frenche . 8.because he had run out of money,he had to look for job. 9. tom went hunting in afternoon .when he returned, dinner was on table.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.a,-2.the,the 3.a,the 4.a,a 5.the,- 6.- 7.the,- 9.

Моя фамилия иванова. мне 7 лет. я из казахстана. я могу читать. я не могу летать. обезьяны могут карабкаться. она может .

Популярно: Английский язык