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2. Grammar. Match 1-6 with auf and make second conditional tece the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(ask) my dad to buy one for
(shop) online
1. If
(need) money,
a. I
2. If tablet computers
(cost) b. 1
3. I
(be) upset
4. I (buy) clothes really cheaply d. I
c. if I
(shop) at the charity
(get) a holiday job.
5. If I
e. I
(have) a credit card,
(use) my mum's laptop to
send messages.
(lose) my mobile phone, f. if the coffee shop in my village
6. If I​

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поищи видео для начинающих людей которые учат английский и учи вместе с ними повторяй слова 50 раз и перевод) я так учу

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