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Переведите : я не любитель кинематографа, но люблю документальные фильмы. любимые темы документальных фильмов - и природа. также я люблю музыку. больше всего я люблю классику рока 60-х - 70-х (the beatles, the doors, led zeppelin, pink floyd и другие) я хочу вступить в ваш клуб для того, чтобы найти собеседников по интересам, пообщаться с разными людьми, побольше узнать про разные страны и повысить свой уровень знания иностранных языков. буду рад общению, пишите на мой email.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iam not a cinema lover, but i like documentaries. my favourite themes of documentaries are history and nature. also i am keen on music. most of all i like classical rock of 60ties-70ties (the and others). i'd like to join your club to find interesting opponents, to communicate with different people, to enlarge knowledge about different countries and to improve my english level. i will be glad to talk to you. write on my e-mail.

I'm not a lover of the cinema, but i like documentaries. favorite topics of documentaries - history and nature. also, i love music. most of all i love classic rock 60's - 70's (the beatles, the doors, led zeppelin, pink floyd and others)i want to join your club to find a buddy with the same interests, to communicate with different people, to learn more about the different countries and to improve their level of knowledge of foreign languages. i will be glad to communicate, write to my email.

Iwill tell you about mischa mavashi. he was born on january 29, 1985 in chelyabinsk. mavashi-eto not a surname, but pseudonym. he has begun to sing songs in 2009, and continues to execute them. his first released album is called "only the truth". mischa becomes more popular for listeners of russia.

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