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1. Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).

1. If I were you, I … (take up) tennis.

2. If you put water in the freezer, it … (become) ice.

3. If they play well, they … (win) the match.

4. If I knew how to swim, I (feel) confident in the water.

5. Most metals rust when they --- (get) wet.

6. We … (go) to the park if it hadn’t rained.

7. If Betty--- (clean) her bedroom, she can go out with her friends.

8. If I had known it was a secret, I … (not/tell) anyone.

9. If he had time, he --- (play) a game of football.

10. If I had more time, I … ( take) karate lessons.

11. If you … ( not/water) the plants, they die.

12. If we ---(train) harder, we would have won the game.

3. Match to form compound adjectives

1.old a. looking

2.kind b. built

3. good c. working

4. open d. lasting

5. newly e. fashioned

6. hard f. hearted

7. long g. minded

4. Fill in the correct preposition: for, in.

1. I am totally … favour of contact sports.

2. These golf clubs are … excellent condition.

3. Are there bikes … hire in this city?

4. Pete is … charge of the sports equipment.

5. Fill in: to, up, off, after.

1. Take ____those muddy boots before you come in.

2. Jane is very smart. I think she takes ____ her dad.

3. My new hobby takes ____ most of my free time.

4. Since you have so much time, why do not you take ____ football.

5. The plane took … an hour later

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. didn't use to 2. didn't use to 3. used to  4. used to 5. used to 6. used to 7. didn't use to 8. did we use to

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