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Contrast the past indefinite with the past perfect tense. 10.. he (enter) the office, (come) to my desk and (stop) in front of me. i (know) at once what he was going to say. i (suspect) for a long time that he was going to leave. 11. the company hired mr. spencer because he (live) in india, for five years. 12. he (lose) confidence in himself before he (be fired). 13.i was very upset. they (cancel) the party after i (make) all arrangements for it. 14. the children (be disappointed) because they-(hope)to go with us. 15. although the morning forecast (predict) rain, the afternoon (be clear).

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He entered the office, came to my desk and stopped in front of me. i knew at once what he was going to say. i had suspected for a long time that he was going to leave. the company hired mr. spencer because he had lived in india, for five years. he had lost confidence in himself before he was fired. i was upset. they canceled the party after i had made all arrangements for it. the children were disappointed because they had hoped to go with us. although the morning forecast had predicted rain, the afternoon was clear.

Entered, came, stopped, knew, had suspected had lived had lost, was fired cancelled, had made were, had hoped had predicted, was clear

Судовольствием посмотрела фильм "битва за севастополь". практически все в этом фильме мне понравилось. особенно радует, что фильм основан на реальных событиях, я думаю, в наше время, фильмы, повествующие о подвигах нашего великого to see the movie "battle for sevastopol". almost everything in this movie i really liked. i am particularly pleased that the film is based on real events, i think, nowadays, movies, which tells of the exploits of our great nation.  я поняла как все же мужественно и героически отстаивали в войну город севастополь -один из городов-героев. фильм посвящен легендарной личности, ее судьбе, которая внесла большой вклад в оборону города. это realized how still very bravely and heroically defended in the war the city of sevastopol -one of the cities-heroes. the film is dedicated to the legendary person, her destiny, who made a great contribution to the defense of the city. is  

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