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Помагите 1 My grandma used to / would love gardening. 2 A few years ago, my brother didn't use to / wouldn't help me with my homework -now he does! 3 My sister used to / would know the lead singer in that band. 4 Did you use to / Would you get anxious the day before an exam when you were at school? 5 What did people use to do/ would people do before money existed? 6 My dad used to / would pay a lot for good beef in the supermarket, but now he's vegetarian! 7 Jonathan didn't use to / wouldn't want any children, then he met his wife and they had four! 8 When I was little my mum used to / would read me a story every night. 9 Tused to / would live in Edinburgh when I was young. 10 Didn't Emma use to / Wouldn't Emma play the piano?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 My grandma used to love gardening.

2 A few years ago, my brother didn't use to / wouldn't help me with my homework – now he does! (оба варианта верны)

3 My sister used to know the lead singer in that band.

4 Did you use to / Would you get anxious the day before an exam when you were at school? (оба верны)

5 What did people use to do/ would people do before money existed? (оба верны)

6 My dad used to / would pay a lot for good beef in the supermarket, but now he's vegetarian! (оба верны)

7 Jonathan didn't use to want any children, then he met his wife and they had four!

8 When I was little, my mum used to / would read me a story every night.  (оба варианта верны)

9 I used to live in Edinburgh when I was young.

10 Didn't Emma use to / Wouldn't Emma play the piano?


  Обе конструкции ("used to + инфинитив" и "would + инфинитив") обозначают действия, которые были привычкой или регулярно повторялись в , но не происходят в настоящем.

Разница лишь в том, что used to употребляется со всеми глаголами, а would – только с теми, которые обозначают действия, но не состояния (то есть would не используется, если речь идет о длительных состояниях в ).

Ifeed the cat in the morning we surf the net every day you don't listen to music in the evening they don't do exercises on the weekend he sweeps the floor every saturday she takes a bath in the afternoon he doesn't play games very often she doesn't help parents when she is busy

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