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Change the words underlined to describe spring. there are four winter months in great britain. they are november,december,january and february.november is the first winter month.in winter the days are short and the nights are long. it"s usually in winter. in december english people celebrate christmas. измените слова которые подчеркнули, чтобы описать весну. слова которые подчеркнули : four,winter,november,december,january,february,november,winter,winter,short,long,cold,winter,december,christmas.

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There are three spring  months in great britain. they are march, april and may. march  is the first  spring month.  in spring the days are long and the nights are short. it"s usually warm  in spring. in march english people celebrate easter.

hi, mum! how are you?

hi! fine! thanks. and you?

i am fine! thanks. can you help me to do homework?

you know, you should do you homework youself. it will be better for you.

ok. i know. i must do it. 

don't be lazy! i have to go now. i will return in 10 minutes and check you homework! do it!

ok. i will do.

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