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Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречными частцами,где это необходимо i wonder whether they are coming half two or three. i've got three tickets the new film, but my daughter can't go. would you like to join us. please ask peter whether he would like to join us lunch.do you like usually have rye bread the meat course? let's have meat and potatoes the second course and some ice-cream the sweet, shall we? will you can the ? the examination begins ten minutes. valeriy klimov has just rung . he says he's coming a few minutes. i wouldn't like to begin the discussion him.is your first or second year from now.as i was ,a man asked me whether the 12 bus would take him red square.are you going the or are you going to have a office?

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Ответы на вопрос:

i wonder whether they are coming at   half past two or at three. - ябуду удивлен, если они    придут в 2: 30 или в 3.

i've got three tickets for the new film, but my daughter can't go. -  у меня есть три билета на новый фильм, но моя дочь не может пойти.

would you like to join us?     -  хотите присоединиться к нам?

please ask peter whether he would like to join us for lunch. -  , cпросите петра, хочет ли он присоединиться к нам на обед.( хочет ли он с нами пообедать)

do you like usually have rye bread for the meat course? - ты обычно берешь ржаной хлеб к мясному блюду?

let's have meat and potatoes at the second course and some ice-cream at the sweet, shall we?   -  давайте возьмем мясо и картофель на второе и мороженого на сладкое, не так ли?

will you can the ? - не знаю, извините, мне кажется, вы пропустили смысловой глагол (если найду, внесу изменения)

the examination begins in ten minutes. -  экзамен начнется через десять минут.

valeriy klimov has just rung me up. -  валерий климов только что звонил мне.

he says he's coming in a few minutes. -  он говорит, что бридет в ближайшие несколько минут. (через несколько минут)

i wouldn't like to begin the discussion with him. -  я не хотел бы начать дискуссию с ним.

is your son in his first or second year from now. - вашему сыну год или два? ( сомневаюсь)

as i was going home,a man came up and asked me whether the 12 bus would take him to red square. -  когда я шел домой, ко мне подошел человек и спросил меня, может ли автобус номер 12 довезти   его до красной площади.

are you going to the canteen for lunch or are you going to have a cup of tea in the office? - вы  пойдете столовую на обед или вы собираетесь выпить чашечку чая в офисе?

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