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1. Mrs. Honey has been a teacher ………. thirteen years. 2. My father has had this car ………. half a year. 3. We have known each other ………. . 2004. 4. I haven’t heard from her ……….. a long time. 5. They haven’t had news from home ……….. May. 6. The astronauts have been in space ……….. a year already. 7. She has had a toothache ………. ten years. 8. The tourists have been in Russia ……….. a week.

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2) for

3) since

4) for

5) since

6) for

7) since

8) for


1. For

2. For

3. Since

4. For

5. Since

6. For

7. For

8. For

After deseti years he got what he wanted.

Популярно: Английский язык