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Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная их словами в скобках: 1. the boys usually keep regular hours. (what) 2. a first-years student has been answering the teacher’s questions for an hour already. (how long) 3. alex’s fellow-student had read the book before the seminar began last week. (when) 4. laboratory assistants equipped a new complicated experiment last week. (what kind of…) 5. researchers will meet at the scientific conference next month. (where)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1what do the boys usually keep? 2how long has a first-year student been answering the teacher's question already? 3when had alex's fellow-student read the book? 4what kind of expiriment did laboratory assistants equip last week? 5where will researchers meet next month?

2. You must listen to your teacher.

3. You mustn't drop drop litter in the street.

4. You must drink milk every day.

5. You mustn't eat in class.

6. You mustn't play in the rain.

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