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Употребите past indefinite (simple) после союза if, сделав соответствующие изменения в главном предложении. переведите предложения на язык: образец: if john comes, he will help us. if john came, he would help us. - если бы джон пришел, он бы нам. 1)if i see her, i shall give her your message. if i seen her, i should give her your message. 2) if mary is present, the party will be a success.

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Ответы на вопрос:

If i saw her, i should give her your message. если бы я увидел её, я бы передал ей твое сообщение. if mary was present, the party would be a success. если бы мэри была здесь, вечеринка имела бы успех.

1.i have little time, so i can't go with you.

2. was there much snow in kiev last winter? yes, there was.

3. do many people watch tv in the evening ?

4. i'm sorry we have little ham for breakfast, but we have a lot of cheese

5. few children watch tv after 10 o'clock in the evening.

6. larin doesn't know english well, but he studies a little now.

7. let me think a little before i answer your question.

8. the new jet-liner has made only few flights abroad.

9. i had very little time last night and watched tv for only a few minutes.

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