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Напиши рассказ о своем питомце или любом животном который тебе нравится на

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My favourite animals are cats. i have a pet cat. her (или his)  name is mika (имя своего питомца). she is two years old. she is very clever, friendly and playful. her fur is long and it has different colours. she is a lot like a dog. she is easily trained and likes to play ball. she is very energetic. no wonder, she sleeps a lot! sometimes she misbehaves and scratches the sofa and the wallpaper. she knows she shouldn't do it but she still does. her claws are long and sharp and her teeth are strong. occasionally, she bites and scratches when she is too energetic. when she is too naughty i punish her or take her for a walk to play ball and eat grass. after this she becomes nice and friendly again. she is very loyal and sleeps with me in bed every night. i love my cat. she is the best!

Rang the alarm. i got up and had breakfast. took the backpack and slowly went to school. began the first lesson. is mathematics. the teacher asks the first question. students at their desks sleepy ,looking in the textbooks, the answer. here's an excellent student raised his hand. his cause to the board. all students are not taught the subject ,very relieved that they did not cause. someone handed me a note. in her written answers to the assignment. and then we started writing. but ,job was done quickly and the bell rang. thus passed the whole day. the lessons someone said , someone's been passing notes , and someone playing phone. few people have done a great job. so my day went at school. прозвенел будильник. я встал и позавтракал. взял рюкзак и неспешным шагом отправился в школу. начался первый урок. это . учитель задаёт первый вопрос. ученики за партами сонные ,ищут в учебниках ответ. вот отличник поднял руку. его вызывают к доске. все ученики , не учившие тему ,облегчённо вздыхают, что их не вызвали. кто  - то передал мне записку. в ней написаны ответы на . и вот мы начали письменную работу. но ,работа кончилась быстро и прозвенел звонок. так прошёл весь день. на уроках кто-то говорил , кто-то передавал записки , а кто-то играл в телефон. мало кто выполнял классную работу. так прошёл мой день в школе.

Популярно: Английский язык