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Переведите на язык: 1. он выше своего отца. 2. мой дедушка старше бабушки на пять лет. 3. вы старше или моложе вашего брата? 4. наша улица более тихая, чем ваша. 5. какая самая высокая гора в мире? 6. какой ящик самый тяже- лый? 7. язык не труднее французского. 8. вода в реке была вчера холоднее, чем сегодня. 9. июль – самый жаркий месяц года. 10. где здесь ближайшая станция метро? 11. сколько лет вашей старшей сестре? 12. кто был лучший ученик в вашем классе? 13. я прочитал столько же книг, сколько и ты. 14. сегодня у нас меньше работы, чем вчера. 15. фильм не такой интересный, как книга. 16. они шли так же медленно, как и мы. 17. эта улица такая же длинная, как и та. 18. кто прыгает выше и бегает быстрее? 19. она переводит медленнее, чем ты. 20. какой послед- ний фильм вы видели? 21. какая будет следующая остановка? 22. она взя- ла самое большое яблоко. 23. сейчас вы учитесь лучше, чем в прошлом году. 24. моя комната такая же светлая, как и ваша.

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1. he is taller than his father. 2. my grandpa is older than grandma of five years. 3. are you older or younger than your brother? 4. our street is more quiet  than yours. 5. what is the tallest mountain in the world? 6. which box is the most dif- ly? 7. english is not difficult french. 8. the water in the river was yesterday is colder than today. 9. july is the hottest month of the year. 10. where here the nearest metro station? 11. how old is your older sister?   12. who was the best student in your class? 13. i read the same books as you. 14. today we have less work than yesterday.  15. the film is not as interesting as the book. 16. they walked slowly,  we. 17. this street is as big as that one. 18. who jumps higher and runs faster? 19. she transfers a little slower than you. 20. what's the last in the movie you've seen? 21. what will be the next stop? 22. it took a woman- la the big apple. 23. now you learn better than in the past year. 24. my room is the same light as yours.

1. i don't know  what to give my brother for his birthday. 2. do they want to publish this book in july? 3. she thinks he drives dangerously. (если вообще опасно водит, то есть в present simple) или she thinks he is driving dangerously  (если опасно водит на данный момент, то есть будет в present continuous).4. he understands that he eats noisily, but he always forgets about it. 5. who is that man who is standing in the doorway? 6. i have no time now, i am having dinner. 7. does your family leave st. petersburg in summer? – yes, we always go to the seaside. we all like the sea. mother stays with us to the end of august, but father returns much earlier. 8. where are tom and nick now? – they are having a smoke in the garden. 9. what are you doing here now? – we are listening  to tape recordings.  10. do you want to see my father? – yes, i do. 11. michael knows german rather well. he wants to know english, too, but he has little time for it now.12. what magazine are you reading? – it is a french magazine. there are good articles on sports here. are you interested in sports? – yes, i am but i don't know french. 13. we are having an english lesson now. 14. he feels in a position to lend her money. 15. i think she doesn't feel safe there. 16. do you see what i mean? 17. do you hear what she is saying? 18. he doesn't feel at liberty to tell you the truth. 19. ron has got a new job. he earns a fortune as a managing director. they think he is a bag of money.

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