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Task 3. Choose the correct word. 1 I always read the lessons/reviews before I go and watch a film. 2 The opera house hopes to attract a younger audience public in the future. 3 You can click/access music videos from your smartphone.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 I always read the reviews before I go and watch a film.

2 The opera house hopes to attract a younger audience in the future.

3 You can access music videos from your smartphone.

4 Our company has a website, but we also post regularly on social media.

5 I think Avengers: Infinity War is the unique superhero film.


1 Я всегда читаю отзывы перед тем, как пойти посмотреть фильм.

2 Оперный театр надеется в будущем привлечь более молодую аудиторию.

3 Вы можете получить доступ к музыкальным видео со своего смартфона.

4 У нашей компании есть сайт, но мы также регулярно размещайте посты в социальных сетях.

5 Я думаю, что «Мстители: Война бесконечности» — уникальный фильм о супергероях.

when i’m thinking about my future i cannot say for sure what it will be like. many of teenagers do not know what they want to become.   but i am sure that the most important things for me in future will be my profession and family. my opinion is that good education is necessary to get a good job. profession is a very important choice that will define all of my future life. i am glad that my parents support me.   and i hope that my future holds a lot of nice surprises for me!

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