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Тут надо вставить правильные слова( в правильном времени, и обозначить что за род) put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and voice. new york tribune the new york to create) by horace greeley in 1841 where main idea ( to be) to provide a trustworthy media source of that time. contrary to other newspapers based mostly on sensation, the new york tribune ( to tend) to reflect the events in all the spheres of the society of that time. it ( to consider) to be one of the heading in the us. the newspaper ( to change) it's titles several times and (to publish) until 1993. nowadays it's copies ( to be ) available on microfilm at many large libraries. the original paper articles ( to keep ) at the centre of american historical university of texas. , , !

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Was createdwasconsideredhas  changedhas has been publishedare are kept

1  c    will be  2    c   many3   a   a few4   a   no  5   c   ’ll be    6   b   both7   a   go8   b   will9   a   sinks10 b   do

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