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Переведите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную форму. 1. the new three wagon tank train test)) –present perfect passive) in severe winter conditions on the alaska railroad. 2. the construction of both the bridge and the dam complete)) – future perfect passive) by the beginning of the navigation season. 3. at present 2,500 km of high speed lines construct)) – present continuous passive) in europe and asia. переведите предложения, выбрав правильную форму сказуемого (active or passive) 1. air-conditioning system always (maintains; is maintained) the optimum temperature and humidity in the carriage. 2. a new high-speed railway line (is building; is being built) in the north of russia now. 3. the flood (has caused, has been caused) considerable damage to the railway track.

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Have been tested - новые три вагона поезда-цистерны были испытаны в суровых зимних условия на ж/д в аляске. will have been completed - строительство моста и будет закончено к началу сезона навигации. are being constructed - в настоящее время в европе и азии строятся 2500 км скоростных линий. maintains - система кондиционирования воздуха всегда поддерживает оптимальную температуру и влажность в вагоне. is being built - в настоящее время новая высокоскоростная железнодорожная линия строится на севере россии.  has caused - потоп значительно повредил железнодорожную ветку.

at the end of the film Home Alone, the boy, after a long separation from his mother, finally met her. Just before Christmas. In the early days, his entire extended family left for the Christmas holidays. And with all this vanity forgot to wake the boy and take with him. From the very beginning, the boy was very happy with his freedom. But then big troubles began with him ...


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